Folk music sessions in Surrey

Traditional pub sessions in and around Godalming

The Godalming sessions are the successors to those that took place in the Ram cider house at Catteshall from the 1970s until the pub closed in the year 2000. Since then, they have taken place in various pubs in the town and the Monday session has long been settled at the Star in Church Street.

A regular session take place every Monday evening from 8.00pm at The Star, Church Street, Godalming

The sessions are mainly traditional English, Scottish and Irish but we do have some other types of music.

All players, singers and audience are welcome.

More information from Kevin Gorton on 01483 415962 or by email.

Godalming Guisers

The Godalming Guisers take their mummers' play around the pubs of Godalming every Christmas.

Some interesting links:

UK Sessions

Fleur de Lys Morris

Pilgrim Morris

The Music Institute, Guildford

Godalming Guisers

A Godalming session

© Philip Gorton 2022